Bad Newz is a 2024 Bollywood comedy-drama film that revolves around a young journalist's life, played by Vicky Kaushal, who starts a fake news channel to make quick money. As the channel gains popularity, he becomes entangled in a web of lies and chaos. The movie explores the consequences of spreading misinformation and the importance of ethical journalism.
- Timely theme: The movie tackles a relevant issue in today's digital age, highlighting the dangers of fake news and its impact on society.
- Good performances: The lead actor delivers a convincing performance, and the supporting cast adds to the film's humor and charm.
- Humorous moments: The movie has its share of funny moments, witty one-liners, and comedic scenes.
- Predictable plot: The storyline is somewhat predictable, and the twists are not entirely unexpected.
- Lack of depth: The characters are not fully developed, making it hard to connect with them on an emotional level.
- Pacing issues: The movie's pacing is uneven, with some scenes feeling rushed and others dragging on.
Bad Newz is an entertaining film that raises important questions about the responsibility of journalists and the impact of fake news. While it has its flaws, the movie is worth watching for its timely theme and humorous moments.
If you enjoy comedy dramas with a message, "Bad Newz" might be the film for you. However, if you're looking for a more complex, thought-provoking movie, you might want to explore other options.
Character role:
Akhil Chadha, played by Vicky Kaushal, is a driven and charismatic journalist who finds a fake news channel to achieve success and recognition. As he becomes embroiled in a web of lies and deceit, Akhil struggles with the moral implications of his actions, leading to internal conflict and external opposition.
Saloni Bagga, played by Triptii Dimri, is a feisty and ambitious journalist who joins Akhil's fake news channel. With a sharp mind and quick wit, Saloni becomes a key player in the channel's success, but her growing unease with the ethical compromises threatens to upend her career and relationships.
Gurbir Singh Pannu, played by Ammy Virk, is a charming and cunning politician who uses Akhil's fake news channel to further his interests. With a silver tongue and a ruthless streak, Gurbir manipulates those around him to achieve his goals, but his true intentions remain shrouded in mystery.
Ma Corona, played by Neha Dhupia, is Saloni's wise and witty aunt who serves as a voice of reason in her life. A sharp-tongued and straight-shooting matriarch, Ma Corona offers guidance and support to Saloni as she navigates the treacherous world of fake news and political intrigue.
Vishni Chadha, played by Sheeba Chaddha, is Akhil's loving but formidable mother who wants the best for her son. A traditional homemaker with a strong sense of values, Vishni struggles to come to terms with Akhil's questionable choices and the consequences that follow, leading to a complex and emotional mother-son dynamic.